google-site-verification: google9051d57b33cd2835.html 16. 7 Sexyhacks that will make a difference - Your Sexyfied Life πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§/πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Episode 17

Published on:

28th May 2023

16. 7 Sexyhacks that will make a difference

Tired of all the "things to do to improve your Sexlife" you can see in magazines and on the internet? Today, I'm bringing you 7 simple hacks that will help you create the Sexlife that looks like what YOU want.

01:35 - Self-consent

03:55 Educate Yourself

07:49 - Solo playing

13:29 - Slow Down

16:30 - Breathe

18:53 - Change The Flavors

21:52 - Use Lube


Episodes related to today's topic :

🌷Ep 5 : Let's talk about self-consent (1/2)

🌱 Ep 6 : Let's talk about self-consent (2/2)

πŸ€ Ep 15 : Pleasure 101 : Breast Massage


Good resources to start your own sex education :

  • Pussy : A Reclamation by Mama Gena
  • Come as You Are by Emily Nagoski
  • Women's Anatomy of Arousal by Sheri Winston
  • Becoming Orgasmic by Julia Heiman and Joseph Lopiccolo


If you’re new here, hi, I’m Dr Fanny Leboulanger, French Doctor and Sassy Sex Coach, nice to meet you πŸ˜ My mission? Helping people (like you ?) reignite theri alivness by stepping out of life auto-pilot, sexual boredom and self-hate. So that you can reclaim your own Lifegasm. Through 1:1 coaching and magic tools (food for thoughts, sexy education, reclaiming pleasure and inner healing), with a zero bullshit tolerance, we embark together on our journey towards your most Sexyfied Life. 

If you like my work, you can offer financial support on Paypal here.


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This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.


Hi everyone, and welcome to another episode of Your Sexified


Life, in case we haven't met yet.


I'm Fanny, your self-love and pleasure coach, and in this podcast we


discuss what makes being alive, sexy.


We reclaim our pleasure.


We work on ourselves.


We stop self-hate, and most of all, we take the commitment to feel alive


and feel it all because we only have one life and it's time to live it.


Welcome to your Sexify life.


When I decided to write this episode, my brain was like: "are you not


basically contradicting yourself?


You're always the one telling people there is no one size fits all solution.


And now you're preaching tips and tricks and sexy hacks?




so I disregarded this episode for a while until I decided " know, what?


Fuck it" At some point you will have to discuss practical things


to do, to get a sexyfied life.


And they are offerings, not a one size fits all solution.


It's just food for thoughts.


You're not promising everyone you will solve their problem magically.


You're offering things that will make a difference.


You know, my brain can be really messy.


So here we go.


And as usual, everything I say is always an invitation, take what


you need and leave what you don't.


Let's talk about seven sexy hacks that can make a difference.


So first the biggest hack ever.


Self consent.


Well, that's not really a hack, but it's very important.


If you want to dive deeper into this concept, you can listen to


episode five and six of this podcast.


But if you're not familiar with the concept, simply put, it's to ask inside


if you truly want something or not.


And not proceed forward until you haven't got any clear answer.


For example, before any kind of penetration, ask yourself.


And when you start for the first time, ask out loud, even if you


feel silly "Do I really want that?"


And don't insert anything until you get a yes.


And yes, it can be frustrating at the beginning, especially when your


sexual practices have been on some kind of autopilot for a long time.


You may think you're crazy or ridiculous if you ask yourself


these questions out loud.


Trust me.


You are not, we should all do that.


What I like to say is, you don't think a baby is ridiculous when


it tries to say its first words.


Do you?


So, what are you going to do to help this baby proceed in language learning?


You are going to talk louder, articulate.


You're going to help this baby to go further.


Same goes for your body.


The best way to be sure your body hears you, is to ask the question out loud.


Because, if the infos come through your ears, then your brain cannot interfere


in the middle saying this isn't true.


Because you heard it from outside.


So it has some truth in it.


In my opinion, there is no way to have a thriving sex life if you don't know from


inside, if you want something or not.


This hack is the most important one.


When you respect yourself and reconnect to your self-consent, then you can


create healthier relationships, honoring your boundaries and


following what you really like.


And that's what building a thriving sex life looks like, in my opinion.

Second hack:

educate yourself.

Second hack:

How do you want to access your whole orgasm buffet, if you don't know

Second hack:

you have it in the first place?

Second hack:

Or if you wonder why you're not having a climax with penetrations

Second hack:

and wonder what is wrong with you?

Second hack:

Remember, you're not broken.

Second hack:

The game is twisted.

Second hack:

There is nothing wrong with you.

Second hack:

You've heard me say many times we are the only species with an organ

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only dedicated to our pleasure.

Second hack:

So if we don't get in contact, or if we just ignore that part of us that is

Second hack:

designed to bring us pleasure because we focus more on something else, we

Second hack:

have no clue about what's pleasurable and what's not so pleasurable.

Second hack:

Of course, it will be weird.

Second hack:

Educating yourself around sexuality is very important.

Second hack:

And not only getting informations about the risks of having a sexual

Second hack:

practice like pregnancy and STDs.

Second hack:

I'm a firm activist for a safe sex by empowering people, giving

Second hack:

them the knowledge they need.

Second hack:

But I also fight this ambient mess, where we only talk about the risk

Second hack:

of sexuality and we cut ourselves from any source of pleasure and fun.

Second hack:

Because sex is supposed to be joyful, enlivening, fun, messy,

Second hack:

full of sparkle, pleasure and life.

Second hack:

And yes, you can have that if you want it.

Second hack:

Even if at the moment, everything feels really far away.

Second hack:

That's what this podcast is for.

Second hack:

So, what do I mean by educate yourself?

Second hack:

Read books.

Second hack:

Good books.

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How to tell the difference between a good book and a bad book?

Second hack:

A bad book will give you rules to follow.

Second hack:

And you don't need me to tell you, at least they don't bring anything really

Second hack:

useful that sticks in the long run.

Second hack:

And at most, they bring you another layer of guilt, shame and everything

Second hack:

else, because you feel you can't do this.

Second hack:

This is not accessible, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Second hack:

Choose books that are dedicated to your growth.

Second hack:

Books that can help you release shame and guilt.

Second hack:

Books that make you feel good.

Second hack:

And most of all, that brings you informations and suggestions of

Second hack:

practices, but nothing that promises you your problem will be solved.

Second hack:

A book, especially a good book can change your life thanks to

Second hack:

the info it has inside, thanks to the practices, suggestions.

Second hack:

But never should it ever claim to have the solution for you?

Second hack:

At least that's what I believe.

Second hack:

Sometimes you recognize a good book as well, because it says something different

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from what you can see everywhere else.

Second hack:

The good book makes you feel good when you read it.

Second hack:

It doesn't create this heavy weight of To-Do feeling.

Second hack:

Even if it can have practice suggestions.

Second hack:

If you want some resources of good books, at least in my opinion, I will offer

Second hack:

some suggestions in the show notes.

Second hack:

It's the same for books or any media content dedicated to

Second hack:

change the ambient narrative.

Second hack:

Educate yourself with good material.

Second hack:

And share with others.

Second hack:

Ask questions.

Second hack:

What's your favorite book about this and you recommendation, you can give me.

Second hack:

Why did you love that book?

Second hack:

How did it go?

Second hack:

What do you think about it?

Second hack:

The more you will get some information about how your body works, about the

Second hack:

possibilities you have, the more you will consume content dedicated to help you feel

Second hack:

good and uplifting you, the more you will know yourself, the more you can create

Second hack:

a sex life looks like what you want.

Second hack:

So let's recap.


self consent.






You can't be a professional violinist, if you have never touched a violin before.


Even if you have crafted your skills in your mind, have studied


the how-tos for a long time.


So, if you are unhappy with what your sex life looks like, there is


a good chance starting to solo play and self-pleasure can help you.


Major red flag here first.


Self consent, self-consent, self consent.


If there is no part in you that has interest in self-pleasuring


self exploration, self journey.


There is no need to do anything.


Just check in with yourself, is it really a question of "I don't care care at all?


Like zero.


Or I convinced myself I don't care because I don't have the time, I don't


feel like I deserve it, it is wrong to do that, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."


We can tend to convince ourselves we don't want that, especially


around sexuality, since it's so heavily charged in our culture.


And oh surprise, when we can have that for some reason, it can be


really more appealing all of a sudden.


So honor yourself first.






Self consent.


If you don't want to solo play play.


Don't do it.


If for any reason you want to connect to this type of play, but it fills


uncomfortable, I know that personally at the beginning, just the idea of


playing made be nauseous, go slow.


If at the beginning, the only thing that is accessible is just cupping your vulva


and breathe for weeks, that's okay.


Or you can even go slower and do everything in your mind at the


beginning without touching anything.


It takes longer to rush, because when you don't honor your self-consent, you


sign up for trouble in the long run.


Or in the short run, for that matters.


Also, let's not forget solo play isn't only masturbation.


For most of us, it can start only with reconnecting to


pleasure in all of our senses.


I have some ideas about that in the ebook, I will link it the show notes, but there


are a lot of things to practice even before going as deep as masturbation.


We are designed for pleasure, from so many sources in your life.


Since you have a pleasure organ, start practicing.


Always honoring yourself.


The metaphor I often use for this is about professional athletes.


I come from a city that has rugby at its heart, so rugby


playing professional athletes, they don't always practice as a team.


I'm sure there are.


I'm sure they have a lot of time they practice by themselves, cross


training, building muscle, developing other parts of their bodies.


So for those of us who might think that solo playing is cheating, that sex is


something that is supposed to be played with only with someone else, I would


ask you to consider this metaphor.


You will have better sex in partnership, if you allow yourself to solo play,


whatever that looks like for you.


Also be ready when you start solo playing, you reconnect with what you


truly like and what you truly want.


And when you have been living on autopilot for a long time or not honoring your


desires, your boundaries, it's going to create some change around you.


And changing its messy.




Let's be aware of that.


But, change coming from your truth will feel better in the long run.


So next time, when you start questioning your solo practice, remember that


if you want to be a sex athlete, athletes practice alone, too.


Let's also not forget one thing.


We haven't discussed yet the idea of safety, how it is the base of


everything in your life, et cetera.


It requires definitely an episode by itself.


But quickly said, allowing yourself to experience pleasure,


whatever form it takes helps you reconnect to your true nature.


The one with the pleasure organ.


Yes, I know I'm a broken record.


So when you reconnect to that, to this deep nature and you stop pretending


to be something that you are not: like a robot that doesn't deserve


to experience pleasure, or be happy to be alive, because you have a


shit ton of things to do, people to take care of blah blah blah blah...


you reconnect to your base.


You reconnect to your safety.


And also, if you have pretended to be someone you are not


for a long time, I see you.


I feel you, it sucks.


And change feels pretty scary.


We've all been there.


And if you want to get out of it, you can, on your own pace.


That being said, when you reconnect to your base and to your


safety, you feel more grounded.


And being more grounded is a good idea to have a life that feels sexy to live.


Because when you're grounded, you create something that is yours.


Because self-pleasure helps you figure out what feels good in your body, you


can start playing with pace and rhythm.


This is the fourth hack, slow down the rhythm.


It's only when you slow down that you can truly explore what


feels good and stay curious.


When things are going fast and not consciously, we tend to get


into our heads really quickly.


And then we start thinking about something else like the kids, the


fridge, the boss, or whatever.


Slowing down, prevents your brain to get into the "got it, same as


usual, not interested, bye" mode.


Slowing down helps you stay present.


Of course, sometimes you just want a quick orgasm, because you want


your climax to help you feel good.


And that's great.


But, be sure to balance this practice with slowing down as well.


Also because, when you slow down, you have more space to honor the self


consent that you need to really have the time to listen to the answer inside.


When you slow down, you offer yourself the possibility to discover something new.


A new way of touching.


An intensity.


A pressure.


A temperature.


A texture.


These details are not accessible when you are in full speed mode.


Also don't get me wrong.


Sometimes you do want to get your full speed mode so that you can feel good.


And that's great too.


Check with yourself.


And try the balance.


" So, okay, understood, I'll slow down when I'll solo play.


But how about when I'm not solo?


Cause you know, I tried to explain to slow down and it's not working"


If you're playing with people that have a different type of genitalia than yours,


or maybe the same for that matters, it can be really frustrating to be in


your pleasure, and then your partner hears your climax is coming and changes


the rhythm suddenly and speeds up.


And you lose everything.


Because that's what they do when their climax is coming.


And, I read something in a good book once.


That would be tell this person, this: "whatever you want to do


at the moment, do the opposite.


You want to speed up?


Slow down, unless I ask you to speed up.


You want to go straight to my breasts or my genitals?


Go everywhere else until you hear me say "I want you to touch me there".


Whatever you want to do, do the opposite".


Let's be honest, there's a good chance you will have to say this


several times, but when this person honors it, it works wonders.


So just a quick recap.


self consent.


sex education.


solo play.


slowing down.

And five:


And five:

Breathing is the best way to slow down and explore in a

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conscious and pleasureful way.

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"Hey, thank you.

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Talk about a hack.

And five:

I'm always breathing."

And five:

My question is " Are you?

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And five:

Many of us are stuck in holding our breath or not breathing deep enough

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when we play, whether it's solo or not.

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We tend to shorten our breath, or hold it when we feel the orgasm coming.

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Next time, focus on your breath when you feel the pleasure coming.

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Your orgasm might be different than usual.

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And that's expected, since you're doing things differently because

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you're not holding your breath.

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When you feel you start to tense.

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And five:

When you feel the climax coming, breathe.

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When you feel you are getting in your head, breathe.

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It's such a powerful tool.

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After all, isn't it the base of every type of meditation to focus on the breath.

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Well, some would say sex is the most playful form and active form

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of meditation, which I agree with.

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And that's from the power of the breath and the energy that

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are moving in that moment.

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So when you feel you're getting into your head, slow down and breathe.

And five:

And again.

And five:

And again.

And five:

When you feel you are getting overwhelmed with what's coming, breathe deeply.

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And you could be surprised by how your sexual experiences might change

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drastically, if you just think about breathing while you are doing things.

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Suddenly many more sensations are available.

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Many types of pleasure, of things that were not there before.

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And that's totally expected since you are reconnecting to, actually,

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what is keeping you alive.

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Your breath.

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This is one of the most useful, yet simple tool.

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I didn't say the hacks I was going to give you were like super complex things.

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Usually that's not the definition of a hack, if you ask me.

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Okay, so I gave you many hack concepts here.

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Like self consent, education, solo play, slow down, breathe.

And five:

Can I have more practical hacks?

And five:


And five:

Of course.

And five:

And one of the best thing that works, is to change the flavors.

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Choose new tools.

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Try to find something new.

And five:

You love playing with your hand, try with a toy.

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You have your favorite toy?

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Why not try something new, maybe a new type of toy.

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Or a different type of material, from Silicon to glass, or from vibrator to

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not vibrator, play with temperature.

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And everything.

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We are human.

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We love variety.

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So, I guess now would be the time to tell you why glass

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toys are one of my favorites.

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As a uni egg or a dildo or a butt plug or anything else.

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First, hygiene.

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Your silicone toy might require specific cleansing product,

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for example, or anything.

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Whereas glass is the most hygienic of all, because you can

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sterilize it in boiling water.

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And also, with glass, you can play with temperature.

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I wouldn't advise you to put your vibrator in the fridge or in hot

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water, not sure how it would work out.

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But on a personal note.

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But you can do that with a glass toy.

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On a very personal note, I really think glass toys are

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beautiful objects to look at.

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I do want to say that a friend of mine has her glass dildo as

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a decoration in her living room.

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I'm not ready to do that yet.

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But, a glass toy can have really a feeling of special artistic, elegant,

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and precious feeling, that personally I don't get from silicone toys.

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Then again, maybe it's just me.

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Also, of course they are made of borosilicate glass, which is a type

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of glass that is made for that usage.

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So, no risk of having it explode or whatever.

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We are all humans.

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So we need some variety at some point.

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So do yourself a favor, and play with this.

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Change the tool, change the time, change the ambience, change the

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music, the scenery, change everything.

And five:

Change the flavors, the possibilities are endless.

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The more you play with them, the more ideas you will have to play with.

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Honor yourself and change the flavors.

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Although, honor yourself if you want something that is as good as usual also.

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And five:

Self consent.

And five:

Our last hack is not very conceptual, but very, very, very practical and simple.

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Use lube.

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Or oil.

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I wouldn't say all the time, but almost all the time.

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Why ? Because it only has advantages.

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First, things will play more easily, if there is enough lubrication for things

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to go smoothly and slide smoothly.

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And the more the merrier.

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Some people tend to have a great natural lubrication and that's amazing.

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But for many of us, especially when we have been in an Unsexy sex

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life for a long time with lack of self consent, desire, et cetera.

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That's not really the case.

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It's like a car that has been in a garage for a while and it

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needs some oil to work perfectly.

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You can all go on the highway right away.

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That's not a really sexy metaphor.

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I'm sorry, but we have a saying in French that says appetite

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comes when you are eating.

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Same goes for your sexual functioning.

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If you use enough lube, things will become more pleasurable.

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So you will want more, so your body will reactivate the pleasure

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making circle, et cetera.

And five:

And so you will get more lubrication everything.

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Add hormonal balance, take care of yourself, digest your

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conditioning, you're in for a treat.

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So use lube.

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I do want to address something right away.

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There is this poisonous thought around us.

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"I shouldn't need any lube, because if I'm not lubricated enough,

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then, that means I'm not ready".

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That's false.

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With your feet, you can walk on any surface, but " if I cannot walk on

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sharp rocks barefoot, then that means there is a problem with my feet.?"

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of course, it's not.

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Using shoes doesn't mean there's something wrong with your feet.

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Same goes for lube.

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Using lubes means nothing about your level of being ready,

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of being normal, or anything.

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And so many issues can be caused by not enough lubrication, especially pain.

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Start with using mole lube almost all the times, and I promised you a lot

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of things can improve very quickly.

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And also, let's not forget.

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Lack of lubrication can cause condom tearing.

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So be extra safe and comfortable.

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And use lube.

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How to choose it?

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If you want to play with condoms or silicone toys, water-based lube.

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If you play with glass toy, or with your hands only, you can go

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silicone lube, it slides better.

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Some people offer to use oils because it's more natural.

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Personally, I think it's better to use neutral water based lube, when

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you get into touching yourself and keep the oil for the external massage.

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Because the water lube can go with condoms or without, whereas it can

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be really easy to get into a, " let me grab the oil I use all the time.

And five:

Oh crap.

And five:

We're using condoms.

And five:

What did I put that bottle of lube again, where are you?

And five:

Where are you?

And five:

Where are you?"

And five:

and the mood is gone.

And five:

We could argue that oil is more quote, unquote, "natural".

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I'm not so sure, depending on where , how things have been cultivated

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and processed since it's food.

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It might not be as regulated as cosmetics..

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Even if in cosmetics, there is a good chance there are more chemicals in it.

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So my advice would be to choose a lube that fits you and stick to it

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and find the most natural possible.

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But you do you, honor yourself.

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In your sex life, your lube is your best friend.

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And usually what happens after two or three use is "oh my God.

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Why didn't I try that sooner?"

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So do yourself a favor, use it now and tell your friends it's amazing.

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And no, I don't have any shares in any lube society or whatever.

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Although I should consider it.

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Just kidding.

And five:

So there you have them, my friends, the seven sexy hacks

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that will make a difference.

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You start with self consent.

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You educate yourself.

And five:

You allow yourself to solo play, honoring your self-consent.

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And you allow yourself to slow down and to breathe.

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So that you can start playing and enjoying the many flavors available.

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Play with them as much as you can, and also play with your very useful

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bottle of lube, your new best friend.

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With all of these hacks, and yes, even if they seem simple, they can really

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be transformative, no need to go full complicated to improve and feel better.

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With them, you can slowly start to build the thriving sex

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that looks like what you want.

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If you found this episode interesting, please feel free

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to share it with a loved one.

And five:

If you want to support the show, consider subscribing to the podcast on your

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favorite platform and writing a review.

And five:

On spotify click on the star rating.

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And on apple podcasts, click on the star rating and click on "write a review".

And five:

This is the best way to help this podcast reach the people who need

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to hear they're not broken and they deserve a life that feels sexy too.

And five:

If you want to dive deeper, I have my free eBooks in the show notes available,

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it's called Essence reconnect to your body to reclaim the pleasure, to feel alive.

And five:

And if you want to stay in touch, you can join me on Instagram @withdoctorfanny

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or subscribe to my love letters.

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The link is in the show notes as well.

And five:

Thank you so much for sharing your valuable time and energy with

Show artwork for Your Sexyfied Life   πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§/πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

About the Podcast

Your Sexyfied Life πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§/πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
Because Being Alive Is Sexy
It's time to reignite your aliveness. Let's talk about how we can step out of sexual numbness, life auto-pilot and self-hate. Because being a human is messy and also joyful & fun, it's time to feel truly alive again, and feel it all 😏

Available in English and French

Let's keep in touch:

About your host

Profile picture for Fanny Leboulanger

Fanny Leboulanger

Orgasm Fairy Godmother and creatrix of Sexyfied πŸ’– After years of working as a doctor helping women, I decided to follow what was (obviously) missing : helping them reconnect to their soul-full pleasure and their Orgasmic Power ✨ Using a combination of ancient wisdom, modern science, a talent to teach and a French sense of humor, my mission is to help you reclaim the Thriving and Fulfilling Life you deserve ❀️